Sunday, October 16, 2011

Great day trip!

Last Sunday we found out about the Ward Temple Trip yesterday and signed up to go.  I decided we should all go, because I really want to get the peace of the Temple in my kiddos' heads.  It's really hard to explain it, unless they are there.  That and I desperately wanted a Temple picture with my family for my 10th Anniversary and really didn't want to do it in the snow (Our anniversary is in December)!  So, I worked incredibly hard to get a little ahead on homework, stayed up late on Friday night to make sure we were mostly ready to go when we got up in the morning.  Scott woke me up at about a quarter to five and so the day began!  We got everyone dressed and Scott packed up the car for me (what a sweetheart)!  Then we were out of here about a quarter to six.  We had to go to the store to get the rest of the stuff we needed (a car plugin for the laptop, snacks, and Redbox movies)!  And then we were off!  For some reason I thought it was a five hour trip and it was only 4 hours, so we got there a little after ten-with no stops!  Our kids did fantastic!  They just watched movies and were fine!  Cecilia slept most of the way and was only sad the last bit, but was fine after some juice.  We went to the Visitor's Center to:  watch a movie, let the kids dress up as pioneers, and learn more about pioneers (because somehow after watching "Legacy" a ton of times, they still just don't get it)!  Ben and Kira pushed the handcart, and all of the kids saw the tiny cabin that would house two families and I think it really helped them to "get it" better!  We had lunch and Scott went to his Session. 
I took the kids to a park.  There were a ton of HUGE leaves, so I took some pictures of Cecilia in them!  Awesome!  We were having so much fun, until I needed to push Emma in her swing.  Then I heard this kid swearing like crazy (I mean there would be one word in a sentence that wasn't a bad word)!  Yikes!  So, I hightailed my kids out of there and asked if they had heard what he was saying.  Kira just thought he was singing and she didn't understand a word he said.  I informed them to never say any words that they had heard him say!  So, in order to help them be happy again, we went to Walgreen's and swapped out the Redbox DVDs (I'm telling you, whomever came up with that idea-GENIUS!)!  Then they were happy again!  Phew!
Then I got to go to my session!  I had to hurry, because there wasn't much time for Scott to get out there (Poor guy)!  I was super tired, but I really enjoyed it and learned something new!  When I got into the Celestial Room, tears filled my eyes, because-FINALLY-the peace was there that I really, really needed!  This was one of the main reasons that I drove four hours with my husband and all of my children!  Then I left, because I knew there were a ton of people in the Session, and not many seats.  I looked into the Sealing Room where Scott and I were sealed for all eternity!  How lucky I am to have this church, the True Church of Jesus Christ to help me!  To seal my family together forever!  I feel very blessed! 
I changed and went outside to see Leni Hester-a family friend and fantastic photographer!  She did our Wedding pictures and I asked if she could come take a family picture for me, and she did!  Although she was super busy (she has her own studio), she and her husband did what they needed, so she could come take our family picture.  Seriously, what an awesome person!  She dealt very well with Ben, who had decided that now was not the time for family pictures and he wasb't interested in behaving.  Bummer!  I still think she did a fantastic job and I'm looking forward to seeing how it came out!
After that we walked around and I took individual pictures of the kids and the Temple and a few of just the Temple and the kids together.  It was quite the ordeal!  They did so well though, we ate Taco Bell on the Park lawn before we headed back on that long trip!
We only had one long stop and then Scott took over driving!  I was able to take some scenic pictures and watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2!  A great movie!  We got into town, returned the Redbox DVDs, got a few groceries and were home!  Hurray!  We made it through!  Then Cecilia was wired, so it took her awhile to go to sleep!  It gave me time to download pictures, but I'm still pretty tired.  As usual, I will continue to eat to stay awake and hopefully I can go to bed earlier tonight!  I hope, I hope!
 My little Pioneers
 Pulling for all they're worth!
 Cecilia and Emma

 I liked both of these!
 Oh this face!  She cracks me up!
 Emma climbed the Giraffe!
 Kira climbed the web!
 Ben reading in the middle of the web!
 After the family pictures.  So, Ben was still throwing a fit and Leah refused to sit by her siblings!  I kept having to drag her back over!
 Our picnic before leaving Omaha.
 Watching the new Barbie movie for the Second time!

I was very excited to get this picture!
Emma is touching this butterfly.  This was at the Visitor's Center, but for some reason won't let me move it up to those pictures.  Oh well!
Another one of these too, I love this stained glass!  Beautiful!

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