Sunday, December 16, 2012

I got a lot done!

I get the chance to be a mom for reals (all day long) for a whole month!  The excitement is contagious, yes?
First thing on Monday, I had to go take a class picture of my daughter's class (for a teacher present) and eat lunch with her.  She was so excited!  She wanted to show off her siblings!  They were pretty thrilled to see her too!

See that happy face?
Then I had to rush Leah to school.  Fun times.  My brakes sound horrible, so I drive as slowly as possible. Afterwards we went to Lowe's to pick paint.  After the kids got to bed I went over to my parents' house.  I spackled and taped off everything I could before the tape ran out.
Tuesday wasn't too bad.  I made cookies for RS, went to RS where we went out caroling.  Then to Danyelle's to help her out with her Believe banner, I knew it was crazy hard, so I couldn't explain it over the phone!  Then I went over to my parents' house and did something there, I can't remember what, maybe cleaning the wall?
Wednesday I cleaned some before Danyelle came and we crafted.  We made:

Two onesies for her future nephew/niece and a birthday shirt for Cecilia (although I might add on to it)!  Poor Danyelle kept expecting a pattern.  I make them up as I go.  I felt bad for her!  My kiddos are so fantastic during Quiet time!  I'm super impressed!  My visiting teachers visited, so I cleaned a ton!   I started painting at my parents' house.  I also got to go grocery shopping!  Hurray for fresh fruits again! 
Thursday Elyse and I went to visit with one of our visiting teachees.  She's one of my visiting teachers, so it's fun to turn the table!  I painted a ton more and we went to get family pictures at Picture People.  I had a Groupon, so it was cheap.  They did such a fantastic job with my sleepy/cranky children!
So I even bought the big fancy thing!  It was $50 and we got it in minutes.  Awesome!  We got home, ate fast, and then went to Church for Cub Scouts/Activity Day Girls.  Phew!  I dropped the kids off, put all of the kids to bed and went to finish painting.  I got it done with plenty of time before my dad showed up!  The living room and Entryway mind you.  
Friday was Leah's "IEP" meeting.  She's so awesome that they can't keep her.  Which is good/bad news.  Leah LOVES Preschool!  Today was Superhero day, so I made her a cape (she picked the colors).

She was one happy Super Leah running around in her "case(cape)!"  The kids all loved visiting Leah's preschool during the meeting!  Cecilia was so excited that she peed on the floor.  They immediately went into action and got it cleaned up in no time!  Wow!  I didn't even get a chance to help!  I got home and started to check Facebook to discover I missed all the horribleness that was the school massacre.  I had teary eyes and Emma asked me what was wrong, so I explained about how a bad man had hurt a lot of children at a school.  She wasn't worried, but she was sad for the families.  I am not sure that I would have let Leah go to school if I had known beforehand.  I immediately started praying that my kids would all get home safely.  I know that sometimes Heavenly Father doesn't answer prayers the way we want Him to, but I got all of my kids back safely!  I cry for those parents who weren't as lucky as I am!  It's very sad that someone would do something to hurt innocent children.  I know that I would also try to protect my students!  I would try to be safe too, since I would like to raise my children as well!  My kiddos happily went with my sisters for their weekly outing.  Scott, Josh and I went out to use gift cards.  I still have a couple bucks on a Target card after shopping and only spent $17 at Old Navy after my coupon and gift certificate (from shopping on Black Friday).  At Old Navy I got seven shirts and two pairs of fleece pants.  Not bad at all!  After putting the kids to bed, I went with Kim to get Christmas presents for my kids at Toys R Us.  Fun times!  She was buying them stuff and I was getting toys with money from my Mamaw (she is awesome and sent my kids $15 each to buy something)!  I love buying stuff for my kids, although I promised I wouldn't buy them anything with my money for Christmas!  I'm making stuff this year, as long as I can actually find time between painting and flooring at my parents' house.  I think I'm going to craft during quiet time.  
Saturday I had the opportunity to watch my niece and nephew too!  I got some cute pictures and started my mom's present!  I think she's going to LOVE it!  She's all about homemade gifts!

Great times at the Westhoffs house!
Most of my kids have "snot coughs."  That's what they call them.  Only Ben, Josh and I went to church.  But they were mostly feeling better by the time I got home, so after soup (it was yummy), we went to my sister's Christmas music night.  It was fantastic!  We got a few refreshments there and more at my parents' house!  Yum!  And my littlest sister is back from BYUI for a few months!  She is so awesome that she agreed to watch my kiddos for the few months she's here, so they can be watched by the same person everyday!  Woohoo!  I'm so glad that she's willing to help out!  Hurray for awesome family and fun times with kiddos!

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