Sunday, October 19, 2014


My kiddos have been so spoiled!  On Wednesday my littles got to be with their Aunt Kim, Aunt Mandy and Mamaw, so they were thrilled!
On Friday they didn't have school, so they got to watch movies and play games all day, until their Mamaw and Papaw came and brought Anthony's pizza and a ton of groceries!  They had picked up Josh to go with them, and he picked a ton of food!  Super awesome!
On Saturday, we headed to my parents' house to work on the house right before my brother and his family moved in for the next month (or so).  We got a ton done!  They fed us Burger King for lunch and then got us Chinese for dinner!  The kiddos were so excited to go that they worked hard!  I hardly ever see them work so hard!  Of course, it didn't hurt that their beloved Aunt Kim was bossing them! My kids are such a crack up!  We left after the kids had a few minutes to play with their newly arrived cousins, and then we came home!
Three thirty or so this morning Kira was sick.  She had eaten way too much junk, and we really don't usually have that opportunity (not a bad thing), so she was sick.  She felt better immediately after, so I knew she wasn't actually sick.  Poor kiddo though!
Ben wrote his Plan of Salvation talk for the Primary Program.  It's pretty great!  I especially like the Dun-dun-dun part!
We took pictures after church, so the kiddo pictures are updated on the sidebar!

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