Sunday, August 12, 2012

Almost time for real school to start!

I had to do something everday, schoolwise.  Which I loved!  It's the whole leaving my babies behind that hurts.  I've felt super lucky that I've been able to feed him at lunch everyday, so I've had a chance to work my way into leaving them all day.  I'm also incredibly blessed to have a mom and mom-in-law willing to trade off watching the kiddos, so I know they're with someone who loves them!  I'm thrilled that Scott will be teaching in a school too, so we'll have the same schedules (for the most part)!  Our AC went out on Thursday.  But, we're very loved and the temps were lower this past week!  Now we're praying for our landlord's heart to be softened, so he'll give us a new AC, because that's what is needed.  He told us that it was our fault and that we'd have to pay for it.  Yikes!  We are hoping his mind changes!  Quickly, so we don't have to suffer through the heat.  The good news is that our next electricity bill shouldn't be as much, since we haven't had the AC on in a few days.  We also desperately need a vehicle that will fit all 8 of us, so we've started looking at vans and SUVs.  Fun times.
Anyway!  We were able to go to the Midwest Balloon Festival on Saturday which was great fun!  Scott stayed home with Josh and Cecilia went to a wedding reception with one of my sisters, and one of my other sisters went with us.  You can check out the pictures on my Facebook page!  It was lots of fun and our big chance to make the summer a little better right before school started.  I didn't want my kids to write that on their summer vacation they moved and watched tv.  Boring!  I even climbed a rock wall!  I should have taken off my ring, because I pinched the skin under it.  Ouch!  And I was wearing flip flops, so I went up barefoot.  My kids were cheering for me!  What sweethearts!  I had a hard time once I got up close to the top, I started getting a little scared.  I really didn't want to let go and bounce down, although I had every intention of doing it at the beginning!  The wall shook as the group of us was climbing up.  And then I was only harnessed around my waist and legs, so that was a little scary for me too.  Either way, I started climbing back down and then I couldn't find a foothold, so I had to let go.  Once I did and I felt the resistance that kept me from falling, I was okay!  Phew!  It really was an eye opener for me!  We may do just fine in life, climbing with our little harness on and feeling like everything is going great.  Then we have to do something different, like moving, getting a job, having a kiddo (or another kiddo) and we really just have to let go and trust that the line is going to catch.  It's time for us to let go, and it's hard!  But we'll make it back down or keep climbing up!

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