Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sad day

Today was not a happy day.  I stayed up late last night working on my resume for the career fair today an hour and a half away.  I was running a few minutes late, but not bad!  I picked up a fellow intern and we headed down to Emporia.  Halfway there my tire completely blew!  Craziness!  That was my spare, so I called Scott and he brought his spare over to my mom's house for my brother to come bring it 45 minutes to us.  He changed it for me and aired it up.  What a sweetheart!  We agreed to just head back, since we could only go 50 and were already too late for the Career Fair.  Bummer!  So, I went home and spent some time with my kiddos (which was awesome)!  We had Fluffernutters, which were pretty much unknown to my children.  They LOVED them!  I found a tire place and went in to get mine changed.  It only cost me $44.  Pretty awesome!  I worked on reading for my lesson plans while I waited!  So, they are well on their way!
Now, I hear that Obama probably won.  And I'm falling asleep sitting up.  Good night!

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