Sunday, August 10, 2014

My sister's getting married!

In less than a week, my sister will be married!  We did bridal pictures on Friday and then couple pictures yesterday!  She's so pretty!  I felt bad, because I totally took over taking pictures at the couple session.  But, I found out that her battery had died and I felt better!  Here's a couple of my favorites:

And these are without Photoshop!  They're so cute!  It was hard picking just 2, but I'll be putting more on my photography page!  I also took pictures of my girls!
 These are the dresses we made for the wedding!

Samuel didn't have as much fun.  Poor lil' guy!
I also signed my contract to be an elementary teacher!  I'll be teaching 3rd grade math this year!  The kids got to see the school and walk around.  We started looking at places to live.  The first day we got caught in a torrential thunderstorm and the lights went out in the apartment complex we were looking at, so we all got wet, and I lost a flip flop to the flooded street.  The next day we saw the next 2 places.  The first one was a house, had an interesting floor plan, and is 2 blocks from the huge jail.  The next one was an apartment and one of the kids spotted roaches and we just hightailed it out of there.  YUCK!!!  We put in our application for the house and still haven't heard back.  And I start meetings tomorrow!  Still in a state of flux.  Good times.  But, we're making it through!


  1. Cute kidos!! Wow, how old is Kim's fiance?!?! He looks 14!

  2. Sam's fiance is 21, he just got back from his mission in January(ish).
