Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Kids' last day at Walnut School

Today was my kids' last day of school.  I came to pick them up and was doing fine until I saw one of the teachers giving each of her students hugs and thought about the fact that not only would my kids not be coming back to this school next year, but next year I'll be saying goodbye to students that I've helped teach!  Wow!  So, I was already feeling emotional and it took a little while for Ben to come out with his Resource Room teacher.  We LOVE her!  She told me that they had a sad day and got teary and I couldn't keep from crying.  We're going to miss her too!  Ben got sniffly too, so we were dealing with some runny noses.  Then Ben's para came out.  We said goodbye to her too.  She's been with him the whole time we've been here, so she'll be missed too!  Ben wanted a picture of them, but he had to be in the picture too!
I like that he's holding his hand on each of them.  He was very sad to leave them!  Luckily, they're both on Facebook and they gave us their addresses!
Here they are where we took the first day of school picture.
They look a lot happier on the first day! 
Right after we got around the corner from the school today, Kira started sobbing and just held onto me, because she's going to miss her teacher so much!  I think that it's so sweet!  She's worried about having a mean teacher, so I informed her that if they're mean they get fired!  I can hope, right?

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