Sunday, June 24, 2012

So excited!

I have completely finished over half of my summer classes!  I will finish another one tomorrow and then I can fully concentrate on my last one for two weeks (it's a bear).  I blame pregnancy brain for making me miss the quiz, but in the back of my mind I'm blaming the teacher who thinks you can only take a quiz for a specific time period (Thursday morning to Friday afternoon).  Oh well!  I will not be getting better than an A in his class (he only has 100 points, total). 
I was beyond thrilled to finish the Child Abuse and Neglect class yesterday!  Phew!  What an emotional ride.  I physically had a hard time breathing during some of the material we had to go over.  In order to reward myself, and my kids, we went out and about.  I was hoping to find a wooden cradle at a garage sale, but the garage sales were already closed.  So, we went to Black Bob Park and played for awhile.  Cecilia immediately went to the swings!  She's not very into the slides yet, and is currently very afraid of heights (thanks to "loving" siblings).  The rest of the kids played on the playground and played "Mummy Tag."  We only had to stop once to make the trek to the bathroom.  Probably because everyone had to go!  There was a pug at the park and I didn't let the kids pet it, so they wanted to pet a dog.  Since we were already most of the way there, we went to Petland.  Bad idea on my part, but it was fun!  We looked at the puppies and chose one to play with.  It was a Mini Goldendoodle.  Such a cute puppy (although we loved the Cocker spaniel and Golden Retriever too)!  It played and played with us, but did fantastic at sitting still when the kids were taking turns holding her.  They really want a puppy!  I felt bad when we had to give her back, because the kids were so disappointed!  The lady there told them to start selling lemonade in order to earn money (since the deal is that we have to have a house first, that's a lot of lemonade)!  It will be very exciting when it does happen though, because they will be ready!  I have a feeling that as soon as we buy a house, they'll be looking for a puppy!  I can't forget the look on Ben and Kira's face when they were holding that puppy.  They both looked at peace and that's a HUGE thing!  We're talking JARMONGOUS!  Yes, I know that's not a real word, no worries. 

We came back home and I got back to work on schoolwork, made dinner, and worked and worked.  Kira asked me why I was having to do so much and I explained to her that it was because I hadn't done anything until now and it was all due on Tuesday.  Oh, she said, you're running late.  Yes, yes I am.  Then she understood perfectly!  What a fun kiddo!
In my class I learned about Temperament and found out how to figure out my children's temperament, along with my own, so I could compare and see where we might clash.  It was a very interesting exercise.  I now know better ways of "perfecting the fit" between myself and my children.  Phew!  That was worth the class price right there!  It will take me a while to implement everything, but I know it will be worth it!  I love my kiddos individually and want to show them that!

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